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Have you ever seen someone get healed from am injury, disease, blindness, deafness, or something else…..Let me tell you something….I AM HEALED.

Let’s go back to the year 2014-2015. I’m riding a 4-wheeler while it’s dark and damp outside. I hit a pothole and I’m thrown from the 4-wheeler and I rotate my pelvis on the right side. Since that day, I have had sciatic nerve issues on the right side. It got to the point to where I couldn’t hardly walk some days. I had accepted that it was just a part of life and didn’t think I could ever be healed from it. 

Let’s skip to this past Sunday Oct. 24, around 7 years later,…..

On Sunday, October 24th, we were about to start praying for anyone who needed healing of any sort. I raised my hand and some of my squad members came over to pray for me. I explained what had happened and we started to pray. It went on for several minutes and I wasn’t really feeling anything. I said t myself “God I’m receiving the healing you’re about to do in my life. I accept that I will be healed and made whole again.” And let me tell you what….I stood up, bent over and touch my toes without pain for the first time is almost 7 years. Can I get an AMEN????

Our God wants to do miracles and allow us to spread what he is doing in our lives. We only have to believe and receive it. We must have the faith. God will always work on and in us, but it changes things when you actually accept what he is doing. 

The testimony that I’m having about how God is using me, healing me, and things yet to come, is simply AMAZING. He is healing me in many more ways but I will be able to stand in front of people telling them about how God healed my body. A testimony from the mouth of someone who has experienced it and walking it out currently. 


PS: I have posted a video to Facebook and it’s part of this blog. It is a highlight reel of what God did this week at training camp. I can’t wait to go on the incredible mission trip. GOD IS SO GOOD!!!!