PRAISE GOD! Wow words can not describe the feeling that I felt when I saw that I had been fully funded before the deadline. It’s incredible. I know God was always going to provide for me when It is needed. But a quick story about something the Lord spoke to me about my funding.
When I first started this whole process of applying and getting accepted for the World Race. God spoke the number 2 to me. I thought I would be fully funded in 2 months or 2 people but that wasn’t the case at all. In fact, right before every deadline, 2 days before I was always reaching that specific deadline. Then, I didn’t think. much about it since I’ve been on the field. But once again, 2 days before I needed to fully funded there were many people that stepped up in obedience from the Lord and provided the funding I needed to finish fundraising. That number will always stick with me and I’ll remember what has been done to help me with this mission trip for the rest of my life.
So thank you to everyone who has supported financially, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. It has been a huge blessing. And this is only the beginning. I still have teammates/squad-mates that are needing funding. If you feel like you are still needing to support in someway feel free to message me and we will get it figured out. And that goes for supporting other squad-mates or supporting me personally. But just a huge THANK YOU to everyone! I love all of you so much!